Screening Only Services

there’s no need to worry with us by your side.

Do you have a rental property but aren’t sure how to screen your applicants? We’re here to help. We offer a screening only service in order to find qualifying tenants for your rental property. Once you have an interested tenant let us know and we will screen them for the following criteria.
 We recommend screening each applicant over 18.  

We charge $100 for a full screen per applicant.  

Let us make the phone calls, pull the credit, verify the paperwork, and make sure
your tenant is a good fit for your property!


Our screening process looks at a combination of factors, including but not limited to:

  • Credit History
  • Income Verification
  • Employment Verification and History
  • Rental Verification and History
  • Criminal Background Check
  • Terrorist Database Search
  • Animal Criteria

Each applicant is required to provide a copy of a legible government issued photo identification card.

Income & Employment Verification
Income is verified through various documents including pay stubs, bank statements, earnings statements, tax returns, etc. Self-employed applicants are required to submit at least 2 years of tax returns and 3 recent months of business bank statements. The applicant’s employment history should reflect at least 6 months with your current employer. Transfers or relocation’s must have correspondence showing an accepted job offer. Any verification fees required by the employer must be paid by applicant.

Rental Verification & History
We require verifiable residence history for at least 3 years. Applicants are responsible for providing information including the names, addresses, and phone numbers of landlords with the dates of tenancy for the previous 3 years. Applicants should also notify their previous landlords and advise them that a rental verification will be made. Home ownership will be verified from a current credit report and MLS reports. Any evictions in in the applicants rental history will severely lower their chances of being approved. All extenuating circumstances will be considered and may lead to a maximum security deposit and additional charges.

Credit History
We will obtain a copy of the applicants screening report and credit score.  Any applicant with a bankruptcy in the past three years will not qualify.

Multiple Applicants in Group
All applicants will be screened and given consideration as an overall group. If applicants with strong credit profiles apply with weaker applicants, we consider the whole group and base our decisions on a combination of factors. One strong credit profile in the group does not automatically guarantee an approval.

Criminal, Sex Offense, and Terrorist Database Check
We check these databases for all applicants 18+. Circumstances related to criminal convictions are evaluated on an individual basis. Criminal backgrounds involving violent crimes, prostitution, domestic violence, the illegal possession of weapons, or the sale or manufacturing of illegal substances can be grounds for denial. We do our best to evaluate all circumstances fairly and objectively. 

Having trouble finding tenants? We can help!